The word 'mother' in the dictionary is rather disappointing. It means female parent. Wow, that's it, really? I think we could probably fill an entire dictionary with what it means to be a mother, but in a nutshell it means to have your heart walking around outside your body. It also means to lay awake and wonder, why did I deserve this? Those are the nights when your children have just completely lost their minds, and have done some of the most ridiculous things known to man. You begin to wonder if they are possessed! In fact you often ask, "What would possess you to draw all over the kitchen table?", "What would possess you to cut your sister's hair?", "What would possess you to flush an entire roll of toilet paper?" and "What would possess you to take your dad's empty chew can to pre-school?" Kids are messy and sticky and hilariously funny. We have really gotten a kick out of the things that come out of their mouths and the things they have done. And I'm sure if all of us thought about it for a moment, we'd realize that children are our own parent's revenge. You see a grandparent gets all of the fun and none of the hassle, so that's what we have to look forward to, grand kids.
Now the word 'dessert' in the dictionary is also pretty disappointing. I bet you wouldn't guess that the definition of dessert is cake, pie, fruit, pudding, ice cream etc. that is served after the final course of a meal. For me dessert is more than just food, it's something you look forward to, it's something you cherish. Dessert is a vacation, a dip in the lake, a much needed break, a massage, a stroll on the beach and a brand new magazine. Dessert is your wedding day, your honeymoon, your precious babies and the love of your life. I'm an ambitious, goal oriented person and I'm determined to have my cake and eat it too. I want the guy, the house, the kids, the job, the vacation, the crazy life and the dessert.
Speaking of dessert in my next post I'll be giving out my favorite and most basic recipe for chocolate chip cookies. My family and friends absolutely love this recipe. My four-year-old will be helping me bake them this afternoon. Wish me luck! Usually, we end up with egg on the floor, flour in our hair and dough on our clothes.
"My momma used to say, Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Forrest Gump
Not sure if you'd seen this yet, but I'm game for this diet!! Dessert for breakfast, heck ya! I will also admit that I have, at times, had brownies for breakfast.
Thanks so much for the comment and the link. I'll check into it! Yeah!