Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Ultimate Blog Party 2011!! Please come & join the fun!

Ultimate Blog Party 2011


  1. Here from UBP! Hope to see you follow back!

  2. Coming a bit late to the party, eh? Better late than never! Thanks for stopping by over at Science Fiction Mommy. That's awesome that you have a book, and good luck with your second. About half of my posts are writing-related, so I hope you'll come back and converse about that from time to time. Writers are my favorite bloggers to connect with.

    Your previous post about the Gyn exam made me laugh--that must have been really awkward. I switched doctors between my son's birth and my current pregnancy, but both offices were/are female only--so the only interns I'm likely to see are also female. I hope you don't have to encounter any more!

    Hope you're enjoying the party!


  3. Hi! I’m belatedly stopping by from the UBP. Nice to meet you! I am a new follower : )
    I have two blogs, and I’d love for you to stop by when you get a minute. Thanks! (A free giveaway every weekday) (Family blog)
