I will write about the topic above but first if my adult ADD can kick in I must share this awesome website I found where you can create your own chocolate bar! It's called chocomize.com and this is how it works. First, choose what kind of chocolate you want milk, dark or white. Second, choose the type of ingredients who want to add like gummy bears, cookie dough, dried blueberries, bacon, white chips, peanut butter drops, toffee etc. They have over 100 ingredients who could add. I created five of these bars for my family for Valentine's Day and in typical fashion I ordered them too late so my family will be enjoying them later this week. ;)
Okay so back to the title: Look within yourself to be a better Mom
As mothers we hold high hopes for our children and we want children who can thrive. So here are some tips I've found:
1. Make sure your parenting reflects your high priority of raising your children. In other words do your children know that they are the most important thing in your life?
2. Imagine your children grown to teens or adults. What do you want their lives to look like? What qualities and traits do you believe will help them get to that place. For me this is scary. I am just trying to do the best job I can do as a mom and when they leave the house I hope and pray I gave them enough tools to become happy individuals who can contribute to society in a positive way.
3. I have read that we teach our children in three important ways: the first is by example, the second is by example and the third is by example. If you are reading this and thinking, "Wow, I think my children will turn out great." then good for you. If you are thinking, "Oh man my kids are so screwed." I assure you, you aren't alone. Ha! We are only human, we make mistakes, the important thing is that we learn from those mistakes, pick ourselves up and move on.
4. No endeavor is more important than raising children, yet it's easy to just try to get through it. Set aside time to think and plan big and little ways to reach your parenting goals. Plan game night once a week, or plan to spend individual time with each child during the month. It doesn't have to be a lot, every effort counts.
5. Commit to the fact that little that is worthwhile comes easy. Give your parenting the conviction, purpose and effort it deserves. I realize not everyone has time to meet on a regular basis with other mothers but I think my young mother's group has really helped me continue to do the best job I can. Everyone is so helpful and understanding. We all make some of the same mistakes and we are all learning from them. There is no such thing as a perfect mom and their is no such thing as a perfect child, just love, live and be happy.
When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child. Sophia Loren
Hi! Unfortunately, my kids need to learn that they are not my first priority. My priorities are God, my hubby, and then my children. Ouch! Now...if I can just get my activities and time to accurately reflect my prioirities then I'll have it made. Who's got that figured out?